Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Seeds for the Garden of Your Mind

June 5

Karen Casey, Daily Meditations for Practicing the Course:

“Giving up what we don’t know isn’t easy.”

“Our possessions and friends, jobs and dreams, aren’t so easily given up. Not all of them have to go. As we become more willing to experience the depth of the Course’s teaching, however, and acknowledge the presence of those who have gathered to teach us, we’ll realize that changes are happening in our lives, changes we hadn’t counted on. Even changes that worry us initially.

Developing trust is a process. We get ample opportunities to practice it. The losses that come to us, the dreams that vanish, the friends who leave are unsettling. These experiences are necessary though. Their time has come and gone. What comes our way now is what we are ready for. Again and again, we have to remind ourselves that there are no accidents. All experiences are meant for our good.”

“Today I will welcome unexpected experiences.”

Marianne Williamson, A Year of Daily Wisdom: “To say, “In the name of God, Satan, get thee behind me!” means “Through the power of all that is beautiful in human beings, let all that is ugly go back to where it came from.” And what you have to do after you say this is truly, truly mean it.”

Hugh Prather, Morning Notes: “Happiness begins with increased awareness of others. Pet owners who ask the question, “What doe this animal’s behavior say about me?” are capable of insensitivity and sometimes cruelty toward their pet. For example, they may demand that a dog be absolutely obedient and loyal to them yet see no reason why they should have a lifelong commitment to the dog. Likewise, I am acutely aware of other people’s attitudes toward me, yet I am not consistently conscious of my attitude toward them.”

Caroline Myss: ‘As a contemporary mystic, you are measured by the quality of attitude you bring to your tasks, by your capacity to be a model of generosity, and by challenging the fear that there is not enough to go around in this world – whether that is money, love, food, fame, power, attention, success, or social position.’

Eckhart Tolle: “…the ego’s greatest enemy of all is, of course, the present moment, which is to say, life itself.”

Unity’s Daily Word: “I am one in love and spirit with all people. Peace prevails in my heart and in the world.

“During a time of silence, I allow my mind and heart to be filled with God’s love. I cleanse my mind of any stereotypes or prejudices I may have unintentionally harbored toward those who seem different from me.”

“One in love and in spirit with all people, I pray that world leaders follow God’s guidance in maintaining earth as the bountiful home for all inhabitants. I pray for the dedicated men and women around the world who serve to protect the freedom of others.”

“I thank God for those who write, speak, and sing of peace. Peace prevails as together we work to preserve an environment of harmony in the world.”

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 156 “I walk with God in perfect holiness.”

I walk with God as God created me, in perfect holiness. Walking with God, I walk in the truth of who I am and what I am, and that is perfect holiness. It matters not at all how hard I try to be anything else, what I am in truth – perfect holiness – cannot be changed. When I am aware of this holiness, I am also aware of “walking” with God. Namaste - Ron

1 comment:

Katie McKenna said...

"What comes our way now is what we are ready for"

I really appreciate this. :)