Friday, November 16, 2007


The Work [used in many spiritual traditions to refer to the Work of God] wants your life -- but only when you are in a love affair with life itself, only when you are bright, strong, confident, capable, in short: ALIVE. The Work does not want some kind of dull, dispassionate, struggling, agonizing humanoid. To give your life to the Work is to give breath and activity to the Work everyday; to give passion to the Work everyday. You have to have a childlike, eternal beginner's mind [approaching each moment as new], a belief in miracles, like, "Any day anything can happen!"
Lee Lozowick

All the things in our lives, all the complicated structures we spent so much time and energy creating, are built on sand. Only our relationships to other people endure. Sooner or later, the wave will come along and knock down what we have worked so hard to build up. When that happens, only the person who has somebody's hand to hold will be able to laugh.
Rabbi Harold Kushner

Along our spiritual journey, every one of us is thrust into the desert. We find ourselves in a relationship wasteland or financially barren. We feel lost and abandoned, but it is during this time in the desert that God grows our souls.
Mary Manin Morrissey

. . . there is only one way by which you can achieve prosperity. It is to take charge of your mind. You may be looking for some magic formula, some new metaphysical cliché that will change things. But if you want to change your life, you will have to alter your thoughts. The whole of infinite substance is present where you are, but you will have to get that awareness into your consciousness by your own discipline and commitment.
Eric Butterworth

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