The Spiritual Mastery Process
The Spiritual Mastery Process is a three-fold process. The three steps in this Process are as follows:
• Healing
• Empowerment
• Service
Healing is the first step in the process. We are all wounded and must discover and heal from our core wounds. These wounds block our connection to our core self and our divine Source.
As we heal, we reestablish our connection to our core self. This enables us to know and experience ourselves as an authentic person who has unique gifts to offer the world. Empowerment is therefore the second step in the process. During this phase we stop the patterns of self betrayal in our life, begin to trust our guidance and learn to develop and express our gifts.
The third step in the Mastery process is Service. Once we have experienced healing and empowerment, we become capable of helping others with similar core wounds to heal those wounds and to discover and value their gifts. In this third step, we give to others the kind of help that we received from mentors and helpers when we were healing. The process of giving back is essential to the collective healing process, as it is the way that the world is redeemed, one heart at a time.
In that sense, the healing of human consciousness is inextricably linked to our own healing process. As we wake up, so do our brothers and sisters.
Jesus was well aware of this process. That is why he worked so intensely with his disciples. He knew that it would be through them that the work of healing and empowerment would be passed on.
You cannot remain small, insignificant, invisible
and be a student of these teachings.
and be a student of these teachings.
The teachings ask you to expand your idea of who you are. You are not just a bag of skin and bones with emotional needs and an ego structure.
You are a unique expression of the Creator’s love and wisdom.
You are a Servant of God waiting to be born.
Jesus did not come here to tell us he was the only Christ. He came to show us the way to Christhood so that each one of us could do our part in serving the greater good.
Just as “smallness”is an illusion, so is “grandiosity.”
Just as you can’t get away with believing that you are unimportant and insignificant, you also cannot get away with believing that you are greater than anyone else.
What makes you important and significant makes everyone else equally so.
In other words, no one has more Christ potential than anyone else. Those who remove the barriers to Love become the pure expressions of Love. It is that simple.
What are the barriers?
Pride is a barrier. Hatred is a barrier. Judgment is a barrier. Envy is a barrier. Selfishness is a barrier. Greed is a barrier. Shame or unworthiness is a barrier.
There are many barriers. You know them as well as I do. And you encounter these barriers not just in the minds and hearts of others, but in your own consciousness as well.
1 comment:
Thank you for sharing this wonderful message -- it has helped me a great deal! I pray God's Blessings upon you for the effort you are making to help others.
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