Monday, June 04, 2007


Fear of moving from the known - even if we don't like it - into the unknown, prevents most of us from realizing the magic and wonder of being on our true path. Every day I encounter people who allow fear to keep them from moving forward into the uncertainty of the path that lies before them. It helps to keep in mind that we are all already on a path. We were not just created because God needed extra people to take up space. God doesn't make mistakes. Everyone and everything has a purpose.
Deborah Price

A pool cannot be kept clean and sweet and renewed unless there is an outlet as well as an inlet. It is our business to keep both the inlet and outlet open, and God’s business to keep the stream flowing in and through us.
H. Emilie Cady

God can do no more for you than God can do through you. All the help of God cannot aid you except as it flows through your consciousness, through your faith, through your vision.
Eric Butterworth

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