Friday, July 20, 2007


Life is cyclical, not static. Our relationships benefit when we allow them to follow their own natural cycles. Like the tide ebbs and flows, so do the cycles in relationships. We have periods of closeness and periods of distance. We have times of coming together and times of separating to work on individual issues. We have times of love and joy, and times of anger. Sometimes, the dimensions of relationships change as we go through changes. Sometimes, life brings us new friends or a new loved one to teach us the next lesson. That does not mean the old friend disappears forever. It means we have entered a new cycle.
Melody Beattie

Rejoice in all your relationships, the ones that are easy and the ones that are not. They are bringing you exactly what you need to know for your soul's awakening and evolution.
Mary Manin Morrissey

"We're here to find that dimension within ourselves that is deeper than thought."
Eckert Tolle

“Your soul is your connection with eternity, your intermediary between Earth and heaven, between your everyday physical life and a higher reality. It is your calm eye in the hurricane of a chaotic world - yet, it burns to realize its purpose; to communicate with God. It waits impatiently for the opportunity and avenue to unveil itself to you – your own divinity, the God within you.”
Caroline Myss


Katie McKenna said...

What cycle are you in?


Jim Wilkins said...

Actually, I am just coming into a rebirthing cycle. Ended a relationship and moving into a new cycle and life. In bewteen those cycles and for a period - their is a healing time to find out some things. Like who am I really?

Katie McKenna said...

Wow! That sounds exciting! Excavating yourself? or simple exploring? Is that really simple? I doubt it....I wonder if you will read back this far again? I've gotten use to you being gone...missed you.. but figured you were where you needed to be.

hugs to you Jj!