Tuesday, January 15, 2008


When we look inside the great religions of the world, where the differences melt, we find that every one of them teaches us that we're here to learn the lesson of love, to really learn how to love one another and love God. And when we wonder how to do that, all we have to do is look at the content of our lives where the lesson of love is trying to be made known for us. That's where God shows up for us, in the everyday of our lives. That's where we find the holy encounter.
Mary Manin Morrissey

Instead of dwelling on how difficult things are for you, turn often to the center of your being and relax in the assurance that you are God's living enterprise and that your good fortune is secure because it is God's good pleasure to give it to you.
Eric Butterworth

“This universe that we live in operates according to set laws of nature and unfolds according to orderly principles. Because of this, one does not have to assume that choices are forced on us. There is also the possibility of simple being, of letting the flow of life take care of us.”
Deepak Chopra

The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the self.
Albert Einstein

“Refuse to see the negative side of anyone. Refuse to let yourself misunderstand or be misunderstood. Know that everyone wants you to have the best. Affirm this wherever you go, and you will find things just as you wish them to be.”
Ernest Holmes

1 comment:

Katie McKenna said...

This fabulous Jj! Thank you!