Wednesday, January 23, 2008


The void is where God is. Empty places, empty moments are not really empty; they're pregnant. God is the potential fullness gushing out from every empty space, the ever-present possibility of a magic moment or miraculous thought. Off the blank page jumps a cosmic summons to write your own names. Out of that silence came the opening chords of Beethoven's Fifth. We try to consume the external, to give us a feeling of internal satisfaction. And yet we cannot satisfy that yearning, because nothing outside of us is the stuff for which we hunger. The more we grab, the less centered we are. And so we disintegrate; we do not grow. We take on the characteristics of neurotic, needy people, for that is who we decide to be when we look to the world for what the word cannot give us.
Marianne Williamson

At moments in our lives when we really need help, the universe moves to support us in ways that may seem strange to us. Angels sometimes show up in our lives in odd bodies, odd shapes, odd forms, odd experiences. Our job is to keep our hearts open to angels in disguise.
Mary Manin Morrissey

Looking for God is like seeking a path in a field of snow; if there is no path and you are looking for one, walk across it and there is your path.
Thomas Merton

There is a Divine current that will bear us with peace and safety on its bosom if we are sufficiently alert and determined to find it – and go with it. The natural, normal life is by a law divine under the guidance of the Spirit.
Ralph Waldo Trine

We can learn a great deal from the nature of a tree if we are open to the lesson. Watch how a tree bends and sways gracefully when the wind blows against it. It does not stand rigid, resisting the flow of energy. It does not push back. The tree accepts the strong wind as a blessing that helps it grow. Like a tree, we too need the contrast of the winds of life pushing against us. In those times, we need to remember that God is the soil, the essential foundation upon which we grow our lives. Then we can view the challenges in our lives as blessings. It is that contrast that develops our character and deepens our spiritual roots in the soil of God’s presence and power. Be flexible . . . bend and sway with the wind. Grow deep and you will stand tall.
Dennis Merritt Jones

Your thoughts are tools that you use in affirming the Creative Power into your experience.
Ernest Holmes

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