Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Daily Guide

Ask the large questions, but seek small answers. A flower, or the space between a branch and a rock, these are enough.
Kent Nerburn, Small Graces

We can sit in the shade or move into the sunshine.
The Science of Mind, page 411

In the Details

My young friend was talking about the flame orange tree she had just seen and the rush of appreciation it gave her. Then, as she realized the color was a short-lived phenomenon, gone just a few days, she felt sad. She asked, "How do I learn to trust that there will be something else beautiful?" My friend Margie replied, "Life is in the details. There is something in every scene that sparkles."

If we look for beauty, and expect it to be there, it will be there. Beauty is a glimpse of the divine. The sparkle originates in the focus of the beholder. In this moment, we may see beauty in the colors of a sunset. In the next, the divine appears as laughter with a friend. Then, we might appreciate the softly glowing cheek of a baby. Now, we see the brilliance of reflected light, catching a wind swell on the water. Next, we catch the scent of ruby raspberries in the winter time. We may cherish the rush of hot water in our showers, or the sound of our furnace chasing away the chill in a winter room.

There is nowhere joy is not, once we tune into the frequency and invite it to
come play with us. Rumi said, “Every object, every being, is a jar full of delight. Be a connoisseur.”

Today I am a connoisseur of life. I look for the beauty in everyone and everything I encounter. My life sparkles.

1 comment:

Katie McKenna said...

I am surrounded by beauty. I am fortunate to see it all.

This is such a lovely post, a gentle reminder of appreciation and awareness.

Thanks Jj!