Friday, January 25, 2008


Feelings are our bodies signaling us that we need something we are not getting at the moment. They are the "stuff" of which close, intimate relationships are made. They are the nourishment of the psyche, mind and heart. They enrich and add passion to our experience of being alive. Suppress them and you miss out. Identify and express them and you become a lot happier and more fulfilled.
Lloyd Thomas

Can you imagine what your life would be like if you simply dropped your complaints? It's a radical proposal, since most of us have been trained to question, analyze, and criticize everything we see. But then we end up questioning, analyzing, and criticizing ourselves. Then we miss out on joy, the only true measure of success.
Alan Cohen

"Do not expect or think things should be certain way. They never or rarely are. It is wonderful to plan, but be able to move freely."
Ron Rathbun

"Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life-- learn some and think some
and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some."
Robert Fulghum

Perception has a focus. It is this that gives consistency to what you see. Change but this focus, and what you behold will change accordingly. Your vision now will shift, to give support to the intent which has replaced the one you held before.

1 comment:

Katie McKenna said...

What if we simply accept everything at face value? There a lot of times I do that, but not always. If you say it is so, then I'm going to belive that , yes, this is your perception of it. No more , no less perhaps. Does it really matter if our perceptions are the same or different?

Do we learn if we do not question but by simply being open to all possibilities?

These are thoughts that cross my mind. Personally I choose to accept and realize the possibilities are endless. Other times I forget though, lose track of my path... and then need to refocus.